Grounds Management

Aug 14, 2018
Salt inventory shortage: prepare yourself and your customers
A serious shortage of salt this winter means prices are expected to rise. Prepare your business and customers now.
Mar 6, 2018
The potential lien for maintenance work in Ontario - and beyond
A recent case has opened the door for landscape maintenance contractors in Ontario to argue that their services should be considered lienable.

Feb 9, 2018
Salt shortage due to truly Canadian winter
Supplier urging members to conserve rock salt and consider using available products until supply is replenished.
Jan 15, 2018
Grounds management lecture coming in February
A number of great speakers round out the lineup for this year's event.

Jul 13, 2017
New charge-out rates available
Produced by LO's Grounds Management and Landscape Contractor Sector Groups.
Jan 15, 2017
Triple the fun with two lectures and dinner
Contractors and maintenance pros gather at annual event to share ideas and learn from each other.