Salt shortage update for Landscape Ontario members
Supplier urging contractors to conserve and consider other available options
February 8, 2018
Dear Members,
This season we have witnessed the return of a truly ‘Canadian’ winter. To date, we have experienced an above-average winter which depleted bulk salt stockpiles quickly, despite the most vigilant planning. We are working tirelessly to mitigate the effects of this season’s severe weather conditions but cannot deny its straining effects on the salt industry.
We regret to report that our industry is currently experiencing a shortage. The necessity and unrelenting demand for salt to keep our roads and sidewalks safe affects us all. Local supply has been depleted. We are working diligently to meet the needs of our customers, continuing to work tirelessly to receive new shipments of salt and deicing products. Calling on these resources, most of which are located at greater than normal distances from our customers, will inevitably contribute to higher product costs.
During this time of demand, we encourage you to conserve rock salt wherever possible and only apply salt if conditions necessitate. Alternatively, consider sand/salt mix or liquids to offset the limited supply of bulk rock salt. Bagged, blended deicers are readily available and offer a safe alternative for parking lots and walkways.
We encourage you to communicate openly with your customers about the realities of this shortage and its potential effects. Safety is our priority and we will continue to work vigorously to source bulk rock salt and deicing materials for the Southern Ontario market.
Pat Lamanna, President
Draglam Salt - A G&L Group Company