Jan 15, 2013
Growers’ short course returns to Guelph Legion
The annual Growers Short Course will take place on Feb. 6, at the Guelph Legion, 57 Watson Parkway S.

Oct 15, 2012
LO nursery growers receive help
Landscape Ontario has announced that Dr. Jeanine West has been hired to support nursery growers in Ontario under the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP) which funded the boxwood blight project.

Oct 15, 2012
Growers visit Norfolk and Elgin operations
An enthusiastic group took part in the 2012 Growers’ Tour, visiting four sites in the counties of Norfolk and Elgin.

Aug 15, 2012
Auction displays the pride of growers
Over 200 growers, buyers, donors and many others came together on July 19 to help raise money for horticultural research and scholarships.

Jun 15, 2012
Industry Auction: All you need to know
Readers of this month’s Landscape Ontario magazine will find a full-colour brochure inserted with this issue highlighting the annual Industry Auction.

Mar 15, 2012
Growers Short Course increases attendance
Each year the Landscape Ontario Growers Group Short Course provides nursery growers with a chance to hear about the latest research and best practices in the industry.

Feb 15, 2012
Blue ash — Fraxinus quadrangulata
The second in a series of articles highlighting 29 urban tolerant trees as recommended alternatives to ash and Norway maple.

Jan 15, 2012
Gerwin Bouman believes in value of LO association work
President of Stam Nurseries in Burgessville, Gerwin Bouman’s volunteer work with Landscape Ontario began in 2006 when he went on the annual growers’ tour.