
Oct 23, 2016
High school students bloom in Cuddy Gardens
Working outside and with nature is very appealing.

Oct 22, 2016
OHTF scholarships presented at Cuddy Gardens
Event gives students a peak at amazing gardens that become a big part of their college experience.

Jun 15, 2015
Michael Pascoe inspires many in industry
While the vast majority of Landscape Ontario members form and shape landscapes, Michael Pascoe CLT does the same with young people wanting to enter the industry.

Dec 15, 2014
Design Challenge inspires future green industry leaders
Nowadays our lives are moving indoors, with more and more people, especially children, spending the vast majority of their time inside and sedentary.

Nov 15, 2014
Volunteers make big difference at London project
London Chapter reports a great week of planting trees along the Veterans Memorial Parkway (VMP) for the fourth phase of the six-year plan to beautify the parkway.

Jan 15, 2013
Echo helps college program
Decked out in their red outfits, students of the Fanshawe College’s horticulture program gathered to thank Echo Power Equipment for the use of many pieces of equipment.
Sep 1, 2011
Greening the desert: A horticulturist visits Dubai
Michael Pascoe visited several countries in the far east scouting for possible field trip locations for Fanshawe College students.
May 15, 2011
Cuddy Gardens open tour is in June
This year’s open tour of Cuddy Gardens will provide the opportunity to view several rare and endangered plants.