LO AGM looked at past and future
A ballroom full of members gathered on the morning of January 10 to mark another year in their association’s official history. Business proceeded smoothly, reflecting LO’s efficiency and effectiveness.
Recognition of volunteers and milestone members was first on the agenda. Outgoing president Paul Brydges thanked volunteers, staff and “the vast network of professionals” helping to further LO’s mission. He called his two years of service a great honour and a pleasure, adding he had made many new friends for life.
The executive director’s report, delivered by Tony DiGiovanni, shared LO’s wide-ranging initiatives over the past year. Details are in his written report, published in the December issue of Landscape Ontario magazine. He also recognized Paul Brydges, and lauded Brydges’s efforts to bring horticulture professionals closer together.
The presidential gavel was officially passed to Warren Patterson, whose remarks reflected excitement over helping LO and its member companies work toward renewal. He is especially interested in exploring chapter and sector needs.
The new LO Executive Board is comprised of Paul Brydges, Past President; Warren Patterson, President; Dave Wright, First Vice President; Lindsay Drake Nightingale, Second Vice President; and Ed Hansen, Treasurer.
Meeting participants selected Lexi Dearborn and Blake Tubby as Members at Large to the LO Provincial Board. Thanks to all participating members for turning up early to attend this important meeting.