April 26, 2019
Important notice to all growers and exporters of boxwood
Growers and especially exporters of boxwood plants to the U.S. are advised that shipments of nursery stock to the U.S. containing boxwood plants may be inspected at the border at the request of the United States Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) for the presence of box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis).
Box tree moth is currently not a regulated pest, however, if box tree moth is found, shipments can be refused entry to the U.S. Boxwood plants that are found to be free of this pest will be allowed entry to the U.S., if accompanied by the usual appropriate documentation (Phytosanitary Certificate).
It is highly recommended that mixed loads of nursery stock entering the U.S. that include boxwood plants, be loaded so they can be easily inspected by border officials.
Box tree moth is currently not a regulated pest, however, if box tree moth is found, shipments can be refused entry to the U.S. Boxwood plants that are found to be free of this pest will be allowed entry to the U.S., if accompanied by the usual appropriate documentation (Phytosanitary Certificate).
It is highly recommended that mixed loads of nursery stock entering the U.S. that include boxwood plants, be loaded so they can be easily inspected by border officials.