November 29, 2020

Congress Connect Conference Session Sponsors
AMA Horticulture | Action Trailers | Atlas Polar Company Ltd. | Aquascape | Arbourdale | Aspire Software |
Association of Ontario Road Supervisors | AVK Nursery | Bailey Nurseries / Endless Summer | Banas Stones | Beaver Valley Stone | Best Way Stone |
Bobcat Company | Boss Snowplow | Briggs & Stratton | Brouwer Kesmac | CNLA | Colvoy Equipment |
Communities in Bloom | Congress Connect Virtual Headquarters | Connect Equipment | Connon Nurseries | Cub Cadet | Derco Hort. / Solutions Aquasol |
DLF Pickseed | Drive LIVE! | Duke Distribution | Durham Artificial Grass | Dynascape Software | Eliet USA |
FCA Canada | Fibramulch | Flowers Canada Growers | Fusion Landscape Professional | G&L Group | Gabio |
Gaia Green | General Motors | GoGPS | Great North Hardescape/ Snapedge Can. | Green Cities Foundation | Green LIVE! |
Greenville Planters | Gro-Bark (Ontario) | Hahn Plastics | Hardscape LIVE! | Holder Tractors | Holland Imports |
HortProtect | Husqvarna Construction Products | Hustler Turf / Big Dog Mowers | Immerspa | in-Lite Outdoor Lighting | Intrigue Media Solutions |
Isuzu Commercial Trucks of Canada | J.C. Bakker & Sons | Jim Pattison Lease | Krown Rust Control Systems | Landscape Trades Magazine | LO Apprenticeship Program |
LO Education & Professional Development | LO Membership | Lawn Life Natural Turf Products | Leathertown Lumber | LMN | Lubecore International |
Maple Leaves Forever | Mar-co Clay Products | Martek Supply | Miller Compost | Miska Trailers | MK Rittenhouse & Sons |
Natural Stone Traders | Nutrite | NVK Nurseries | Oaks Landscape Products | Oakville Natural Stone | Ontario Joint Pipelines |
Ontario Seed Company | Outfront Portable Solutions | Palace Perennials | Permacon Group | Pesticide Industry Council | Plant Products |
Polycor | Practical Marketing Group | Premier Tech Home & Garden | Pro-Power Canada | Rinox | Root Pouch |
Rototilt | Rubi Canada | Sheridan Nurseries | SiteOne Landscape Supply | Smart About Salt | Sole Saver |
Spider Mowers | Spring Meadow Nursery | Steam 'n' Weeds | STONEarch | Surefoot Hardscape Products | Target Specialty Products |
TimberTough Products | Toro Company | Trackem / Solutions into Motions | Tradewinds International | Tri-Shield Consulting | Turf Care Products Canada |
Unilock | Vanden Bussche Irrigation | Vectorworks | Vermeer Canada | Walters Gardens | WSIP |
WPE Landscape Equipment | WWF Canada | Kubota Canada Ltd. | Greenius | Ariens & Gravely | Driver Verified Inc. |
Rideau Works | Bannerman | ISA Ontario | Hindsite Software | Romex Canada | Narellan Pools |
EIO Solutions | Prima Pack Inc. | Permaloc Corporation | Leisure Pools Canada | | CWB National Leasing |
Great Lakes Wood Products Inc | Sunbelt Rentals of Canada Inc | Bob Mark New Holland Sales Limited | Makita Canada | Brokrete | New Holland Agriculture |