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Virtual Conference Agenda - originally aired Jan 11, 2021
The key to turf IPM is the use of cultural practices that optimize growth of grasses and minimize conditions favourable to pest insects, weeds, or pathogens. Landscape Ontario's Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Symposium has been a uniquely respected event since 1965.
Includes access to full-day IPM Symposium sessions and exhibitors. Also includes access to Congress Connect exhibitors, marketplace, new product showcase, Drive LIVE, Hardscape LIVE, Green LIVE and two (2) keynote sessions. Access to platform is for 1 year.*
IPM Regular Pass - $75
IPM Student Pass - $25
*Congress Connect Conference is not included and is a separate fee.
Keynote: Turning on the Landscape
Eric M. Lyons, Ph.D. | University of Guelph
The green industry understands the importance of healthy actively growing urban landscapes. Turfgrasses are essential components of urban landscapes because of their dual functionality of ecosystem services combined with providing usable space for leisure activities or sport. One criticism of turfgrasses is the inputs that go into the creation and maintenance of healthy lawns and sports facilities. Through developing carbon calculators and other modelling tools it is becoming apparent that there is a benefit to turning on the landscape through management techniques. The session will focus on the benefits of maintaining turfgrasses and compare and contrast different management strategies and landscapes in the context of carbon sequestration, other ecosystem services, and societal benefit. The attendee will have a better understanding of the turfgrasses in the environment and be able to make better decisions to increase the sustainability of management of the urban environment with regard to fertility, pest management and other management decisions.
Invasive Species Management
Nancy Cain | Cain Vegetation
There are numerous invasive species in Ontario that grounds maintenance professionals must deal with each season. This talk will familiarize you with some of the key invasive weeds that are poisonous for your clients or present a risk to natural habitats in Ontario. This includes the plants that sneak in through the fencerows, blow in from neighbouring properties or are brought in inadvertently. In some parts of the province, one species is a major issue, while a mixture of species can appear in other areas. You will learn some basic biology of these weeds and where to find out more information. The challenges of control of these weeds will be reviewed so you understand key biological and timing issues. Whether you are carrying out control in-house or with contractors, there are also worker safety, land use and licencing issues that create challenges beyond the onerous work of controlling these plants.
Is Turfgrass Fertilization Threatening Our Water Bodies?
Guillaume Grégoire, Ph.D. | Université Laval
Turfgrass plays an important role in urban and residential landscapes, providing functional, recreational and aesthetic benefits. However, in the last few years, there has been increasing concerns about the potential negative impacts of intensive turfgrass management on the environment, specifically on water quality. Although turfgrass increases soil water infiltration and contaminants retention, the application of fertilizers on turf can lead to nutrient losses through volatilization, runoff and leaching. Even though these losses generally tend to be low when good fertilization practices are implemented, several municipalities in Canada have adopted different by-laws to control or even ban fertilizer use on turfgrass areas. This session will present results from two different research projects conducted by our team in the last few years, during which we monitored nutrient losses in leachate and runoff following different fertilization strategies applied to turfgrass.
MECP Update - Amendments to the Pesticide Act and Regulations
Scott Olan B.Sc. (Agri) | Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
This presentation will provide an overview of recent amendments to the Pesticides Act and Ontario Regulation 63/09. Scott will outline the amendments that came into effect in early 2020 focusing on those most relevant to the landscape industry and what you need to know to stay in compliance. The presentation will also provide an overview of recent compliance findings by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
What’s Buggin’ Your Trees?
Jen Llewellyn M.Sc. ISA Cert Arb | OMAFRA
This session is an excellent pre-season warm up to arm you with the latest information on new and recurring plant health issues in the Ontario landscape. Jen will discuss significant plant health challenges that affect trees and shrubs plus she will alert you to new invasive insect and disease pests that threaten Ontario landscapes. You will leave this seminar with a clear understanding of diagnosing current woody plant health issues and a strategy for how to manage them.
Effects of Mowing on Turfgrass
John Bladon, PAg, ISSP | The Chimera Group
Good mowing practices are perhaps the most important single factor contributing to a well-groomed appearance and the longevity of any turfgrass area. The ability to withstand mowing is what makes turfgrasses different from other plants, which is why mowing is an essential part of maintaining high quality turfgrass stands. Mowing heights are dependent on the use of the grass and the individual cultivars or varieties being used. Although the mowing height differences are often small, do not underestimate their importance for maintaining healthy turfgrass stands. Frequency of mowing is also an important consideration in the maintenance program. This session will discuss the effects of mowing on turf, comparing rotary vs real, height of cut, frequency of cut and everything else you need to know about mowing best practices.