May 15, 2011

Dan Clost
Dan Clost CHT
Nursery manager at Connon Nurseries CBV Holdings in Trenton
President, Upper Canada Chapter
What inspired you to join Landscape Ontario?
There were, and still are, three main reasons why I became active in LO. I saw many hardworking people in our trade who were struggling with their new businesses. They had drive, talent and pride in their work, but few had strong business skills. There was, and still is, a need for well-trained knowledgeable workers. Our trade needs a strong organization that represents our interests to the government and to the public. Landscape Ontario is best suited to address those three points.
Where do you volunteer within the association?
At the chapter level; I was there as a founding member and have been cluttering up the place since. At the moment, I’m finishing a stint as Chapter president, but my primary focus has been education. The reason I can do this is because of the immensely dedicated and talented folks on our board of directors.
Do you have a favourite memory during your volunteer experience?
Absolutely. In spite of her youth, Diana Cassidy-Bush is a mentor to me. I was in the audience when she was presented with the Frank Ewald Jr. Award.
What benefit do you receive from volunteering?
Immeasurable, since each benefit is attached to a person. The people I meet through LO are examples of what is good about people. That doesn’t mean I like them all, but I sure do respect and admire their dedication.
What suggestions do you have to improve the association?
I doubt if I’m qualified to answer that but I can make two suggestions. First: everything we do, every endeavour that we begin, must be directly related to the association’s mandate.
Second: our association will soon have to deal with its success. It may mean restructuring; it may mean expanding upon the existing framework. However it is accomplished, times of transition are seldom conflict-free. So my suggestion here is for folks to “keep their cool” whilst everything sorts itself out.
Do you perform other volunteer work outside of Landscape Ontario?
Yes, on several other boards such as East Central Ontario Training Board and committees. The best is that I’m a member of a folk/gospel group, The Lenses, that puts on concerts for extended care facilities and charities (such as Soldier On).