
Jan 15, 2013
Le Conte receives irrigation award
LO’s Irrigation Sector Group past chair Chris Le Conte of Smart Watering Systems in Milton, has been awarded the Crawford Reid Memorial Award.

Dec 15, 2012
Toronto members plant legacy of trees
LO members recently joined forces with Trees for Life to install 80 caliper trees at Toronto’s Archbishop Romero Catholic High School.

Dec 15, 2012
Allan Kling wants to leave planet better than he found it
When Allan Kling CLP launched Urban Garden, a Toronto-based design/build firm in 1999, he knew he wanted to do something to improve Toronto’s public parks.

Oct 15, 2012
LO members show off talent at Planter Box event
As part of the Celebrate Yonge event in Toronto, Landscape Ontario members took over the busiest section along the province’s longest street.

Sep 15, 2012
Toronto Chapter hosts successful ball tournament
No matter how you measure success, this year’s Toronto Chapter ball tournament qualifies on all fronts.

Aug 15, 2012
Tony Lombardi gains knowledge through volunteering
Choosing Tony Lombardi CLD, CLP as a subject for Landscape Ontario magazine’s volunteer profile was an easy one.
Aug 15, 2012
Petrie’s help list is long
When the call went out to members who are involved with community events, Petrie’s Quality Soil in Oakville responded with a list of over 60 events and organizations.
Aug 15, 2012
Planters part of Yonge Street event
For four weeks in August and September, a section of Ontario’s most famous street will feature 235 planters, many created by members of Landscape Ontario.