Feb 15, 2013
Fall fertilization revisited
Many of our turf agronomic practices need to be revisited to focus on minimizing the environmental impact on water quality.

Jan 15, 2013
OMAFRA, university and LO provide nursery scout
In 2012, we were fortunate to receive funding through Landscape Ontario to hire a nursery scout to monitor services in Ontario.

Nov 15, 2012
OMAFRA turfgrass report 2012
You would have to have been living under a cabbage leaf to not know that the summer of 2012 was warmer and drier than normal
Sep 15, 2012
Research highlights chinch bugs and sustainable lawns
Research is focusing on ways of reliably and cost-effectively using these biological control agents and other natural products to control chinch bugs in the urban environment.
Sep 15, 2012
Weather causes stress to the landscape and the nursery
Everyone and his dog is talking about the weather this summer.
Jan 15, 2012
Weed re-growth with Fiesta herbicide
When Fiesta received Canadian registration in spring of 2010, there was not a lot of information available on its efficacy on common Ontario lawn weeds.
Nov 15, 2011
Invasive Plant Council expects regulations
There are over 400 species of plants considered invasive in Ontario.
Nov 15, 2011
Bio-based pots
Several growers are presently experimenting with bio-based containers to reduce the impact of production on the environment.