November 5, 2018

Business owners spent two days in Muskoka, learning, networking, and having fun.
Peer group carries out learning priorities for 2018
A group of Landscape Ontario business owners and managers from across the province gathered in Muskoka, Sept. 20-21, for two days of energizing, informative and action packed workshops. LO Peer to Peer Network manager, Jacki Hart, facilitated the program driven by the group’s learning priorities for 2018, that were set at the January session. This year’s Muskoka Summit included three guest speakers and included discussions on social media strategies, deepening leadership thinking, connecting profitable work with marketing strategies, and tools for evaluating and inspiring higher employee engagement. The next Peer to Peer session will be held Jan. 7, 2019 as part of Warm-Up Monday at Congress. Join the group and help to set priorities of professional development goals for 2019.