August 1, 2016

Mark Cullen
Cullen awarded Order of Canada
Gardening writer and personality Mark Cullen was named a Member of the Order of Canada on July 1, 2016. The selection committee wrote: “Mark Cullen is Canada’s most beloved gardener. Through his varied media appearances, radio programs, newspaper columns and books he has helped and encouraged countless gardeners and farmers to grow sustainable, healthy produce. ... Notably, he is the founding chair of the Highway of Heroes Living Tribute, a tree planted for each of Canada’s fallen in times of war since confederation.”
In his monthly newsletter, Cullen commented, “…thank you to my many friends who endorsed the idea of this award. Evidently, the process started about two years ago and has involved a lot of work on the part of the ‘applicants.’ Not to mention that it was a complete surprise to me.”
Cullen admitted he was “overwhelmed with excitement and thankful” for receiving the prestigious award and humbled by “all of the people who do great work in this country, but never get sufficient recognition.”