December 2, 2019

Landscape Ontario podcasts now online
New shows geared to the landscape and horticulture profession
Landscape Ontario Editor, Scott Barber is not alone in his love for podcasts. On his daily commute, he may listen to Spittin’ Chicklets, a podcast about hockey; The New York Times Daily; or CBC’s Front Burner, for news. Barber is not alone. As we spend more and more time in our vehicles, podcasts are an entertaining and informative way to pass the time. These easily-accessible digital audio files continue to grow in popularity, sophistication and offerings.
Typically, each podcast is part of a series, with new instalments on a regular basis that listeners can subscribe to. They often include a host, with each episode featuring a different expert, topic or guest speaker, and can range from 15 minutes to two hours long.
LO’s Executive Director, Tony DiGiovanni also listens to many podcasts. That got Barber and DiGiovanni thinking: should LO offer podcasts as well?
This fall, the idea came to life and a number of podcasts were recorded, edited and produced. The Landscape Ontario Podcast, geared to the landscape horticulture profession is just one of the latest in a growing number of digital offerings from North America’s most vibrant trade association. Hosted by Scott Barber, the first three shows are now available online.

Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign: Planting two million trees to honour veterans
Canada’s favourite gardener, Mark Cullen, goes in-depth on the roots of the campaign to honour Canadian servicemen and women by planting trees along Highway 401 between Trenton and Toronto. Mark shares the ups and downs of the campaigns daunting $10 million fundraising goal — which has already raised $8 million!
The new Ontario Tree Guide: Canada’s most comprehensive tree planting guide
Vineland research scientist, Dr. Darby McGrath, joins Scott to talk about what’s new in the recently updated Ontario Landscape Tree Planting Guide. Created for horticulture professionals, the Guide summarizes the latest research and best practices for ensuring tree success across the province.
Horticultural healthcare: Are landscapers health professionals?
Tara Zupancic is public health scientist focused on the relationship between the environment and human health. Her research asks the question: “Do landscape horticulture professionals promote health?”Looking at the incredible impact green spaces, parks and plants have on human health, there is certainly a case to be made. In this episode, Tara and Scott examine those positive impacts and discuss what cities and communities can do to improve the lives and health outcomes of residents.
Listen for free
Stream the Landscape Ontario podcast free at or search for landscape ontario using your favourite podcast app. Be sure to subscribe to get the latest episode each month, and help to spread the word by liking and sharing the podcast with your social media networks.For topic suggestions and ideas, contact Scott Barber at