April 23, 2021

Early instar feeding of Box Tree Moth in early spring 2021.
Box Tree Moth is out early in 2021
Look for these signs now:
Also check www.onnurserycrops.com for more information in treating box tree moth.
Ask if your customers will host a trap to monitor for BTM
It's easy for anyone with boxwood to host a free trap and monitor for box tree moth. Just hang the trap, check it once per week and report any findings. The x's on the map show areas where traps are still needed to be placed this season.Report a sighting
All findings of box tree moth should be reported to officials who are tracking the pest.
Sightings from outside the areas listed above (see map):
Contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) using the link https://www.inspection.gc.ca/about-cfia/contact-us/contact-cfia-online/eng/1299860523723/1299860643049
Sightings from outside the areas listed above (see map):
Contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) using the link https://www.inspection.gc.ca/about-cfia/contact-us/contact-cfia-online/eng/1299860523723/1299860643049