
Jan 3, 2024
Geeking out about the green industry
Pam Cook, account manager at Clintar Commercial Outdoor Services in London, Ont., and LO's incoming treasurer, said horticulture has “always danced” in her life.

Nov 3, 2023
David Milne pays his passion for plants forward
For someone who enjoys the outdoors, design and visual art, landscape architecture and horticulture always seemed like a natural fit.

Sep 5, 2023
Rhonda Derue sees volunteering as a gift to all (including the giver)
"Do what you love, love what you do,” is the phrase that drives fine artist and designer Rhonda Derue.

Jul 14, 2023
Unfinished business: Landscape Ontario says goodbye to an exceptional volunteer
Through her positive and loving manner and her contribution ethic, Margaret Stinson made a huge difference in the lives of many.

Jul 14, 2023
Clearing the way for a level playing field
Jim Monk is a regular contributor to Landscape Ontario’s Snow and Ice Sector Group.

Jun 2, 2023
Sharing a love of nature motivates Lisa Smith to volunteer
Lisa Smith has been a pillar of Landscape Ontario’s Upper Canada Chapter since its inception over two decades ago.

May 12, 2023
Volunteer for the PPA National Symposium 2023
PPA is looking for local volunteers interested in being captains or chase car drivers on bus tours taking place July 24-28.
Mar 23, 2023
Chapter and Sector Group FAQ
Now is the time to get involved with the association's Chapter or Sector Group boards.