
Mar 15, 2015
What happens in Ottawa does not stay in Ottawa
Your Milton office supported the Ottawa Chapter GreenTrade Show in February.

Jan 15, 2015
Waterloo member wins award for Ottawa living wall
North America’s tallest bio filter living wall has been awarded the 2014 Green Roof and Wall Award of Excellence.
Jan 15, 2015
Ottawa Chapter’s Awards of Distinction to stir achievement
Ottawa Chapter’s Awards of Distinction will be launched on Feb. 10, the night before the trade show, at a ticketed gala awards and casino night.

Dec 15, 2014
Matchmaking is now an LO benefit
I have always thought of Landscape Ontario as a family.
Dec 15, 2014
Dream Garden featured at Ottawa home show
Landscape Ontario, led by Ottawa Chapter members, will create the Dream Garden at the 2015 Ottawa Home and Garden show.

Dec 15, 2014
Ottawa honours veterans at Day of Tribute
This year marked the ninth edition of the Day of Tribute by the Ottawa Chapter to honour members of the military and their families.
Nov 15, 2014
Ottawa announces its own Awards of Excellence
The awards program will be modeled after the provincial awards program, giving local members the opportunity to be recognized for their outstanding efforts.

Sep 15, 2014
Sundaura Alford makes connections as volunteer
Sundaura Alford CLD, owner and designer at A Cultivated Art in Ottawa, stepped into a volunteer position shortly after she was admitted as a member of Landscape Ontario.