November 7, 2017

Request for Proposals to acquire CNLA roses
CNLA is seeking to sell exclusive licensing rights to three roses previously acquired by the Association in 2010 as part of their takeover of the AAFC hardy rose breeding program. These numbered roses – a remaining few from the original thousands of seedlings acquired from AAFC – have been tested for cold hardiness and black spot resistance. See the roses.
CNLA is seeking proposals for a one-time purchase of each numbered rose. All commercialization details, including naming of the rose, and where applicable, sale price and royalty rates and collection of royalties will be the responsibility of the successful bidder.
he minimum sale price to acquire an exclusive license agreement will be $5,000 for each numbered rose.
Download a copy of the RFP. The deadline to submit your proposal is December 8, 2017.SEE THE ROSES