June 15, 2013

Membership survey reveals majority pleased with LO
A survey developed by CNLA in conjunction with Landscape Ontario and the other provincial associations has provided a clear picture of which specific programs members are using, as well as which member benefits they find are the greatest value.
The survey was sent out on Apr. 15 to the 1,941 members of Landscape Ontario who are entitled to use endorsed supplier discounts. A total of 148 members responded, representing all nine chapters and all 10 sector groups.
When asked the question, “If you were asked to renew your membership to this association right now, would you choose to do so?” The answers resulted in 95.6 per cent saying yes they would renew. Comments returned included, “The value far exceeds the yearly fee.” “Absolutely. We have used so many of the benefits and I would continue using them.” “Yes, I like staying informed and enjoy the interaction with fellow members and learning new things.”
When asked, “Would you recommend to a friend or colleague to join this association?” The overwhelming majority — 96.4 per cent — said yes. Members commented:
“So many benefits, such as networking with others whom I consider to be mentors to me.” “The more the merrier.” “For the same reasons I keep renewing my membership.”
Members were asked to select the endorsed supplier discount programs they had taken advantage of. Mark’s Work Warehouse discount was cited most often.
Respondents were then asked to identify the member benefits that they found valuable. As noted in the charts, valuable benefits were opportunities to meet and network with people in the association, educational offerings, publications and conferences/symposiums.
Respondents were then asked how they found out about Landscape Ontario. The answers confirmed what LO staff has observed over the past four decades, that most members are recruited to the association from an existing member.
Overall, when asked how satisfied they are with member benefits, the vast majority (57.2 per cent) said they were very satisfied or extremely satisfied.
Helen Hassard, LO membership coordinator stated, “It is our hope that by continuing to monitor the tone of the members with regards to benefits, and by benchmarking our successes and areas of improvement with our fellow provincial associations, we can improve our association offerings and the green industry accordingly.”
The survey was sent out on Apr. 15 to the 1,941 members of Landscape Ontario who are entitled to use endorsed supplier discounts. A total of 148 members responded, representing all nine chapters and all 10 sector groups.
When asked the question, “If you were asked to renew your membership to this association right now, would you choose to do so?” The answers resulted in 95.6 per cent saying yes they would renew. Comments returned included, “The value far exceeds the yearly fee.” “Absolutely. We have used so many of the benefits and I would continue using them.” “Yes, I like staying informed and enjoy the interaction with fellow members and learning new things.”
When asked, “Would you recommend to a friend or colleague to join this association?” The overwhelming majority — 96.4 per cent — said yes. Members commented:
“So many benefits, such as networking with others whom I consider to be mentors to me.” “The more the merrier.” “For the same reasons I keep renewing my membership.”
Members were asked to select the endorsed supplier discount programs they had taken advantage of. Mark’s Work Warehouse discount was cited most often.
Respondents were then asked to identify the member benefits that they found valuable. As noted in the charts, valuable benefits were opportunities to meet and network with people in the association, educational offerings, publications and conferences/symposiums.
Respondents were then asked how they found out about Landscape Ontario. The answers confirmed what LO staff has observed over the past four decades, that most members are recruited to the association from an existing member.
Overall, when asked how satisfied they are with member benefits, the vast majority (57.2 per cent) said they were very satisfied or extremely satisfied.
Helen Hassard, LO membership coordinator stated, “It is our hope that by continuing to monitor the tone of the members with regards to benefits, and by benchmarking our successes and areas of improvement with our fellow provincial associations, we can improve our association offerings and the green industry accordingly.”