June 27, 2023

LO Growers Group Newsletter - late June 2023
1. Box Tree Moth – Deltagard and Adults Flying
- Emergency Use of Deltagard has been granted. See the letter confirming minor use approval and the label.
- Box tree moth adults have been caught in traps in the Niagara Region over the past weekend. Please keep Jeanine informed of your finds so that we can follow the flight period. If you’re using the gel lures, remember to change up your lures around mid-July. Septa lures should be replaced monthly.
2. Spotted Lanternfly Resources
Our nursery scout Casey, as well as a Brock University scout, are looking for SLF throughout Niagara and Southern Ontario. A new article on SLF was published by OMAFRA.3. CORRECTION: Bill C-234, An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act
Bill C-234 passed in the House of Commons on March 29, 2023, and once the Senate passes this bill it will be in effect for eight years. At this time, the Bill has had two readings in the Senate, with the latest one on June 13, and is now at the committee review stage. We’ll provide links for you to ensure you have access to the rebate once they’re available.4. Blue Box Regulations
You need to comply (have a producer responsibility organization (PRO) contract for managing blue box materials) by July 1, 2023. Please reach out if you have questions. The RPRA website has lots of resources, but it’s a lot to navigate. There are significant costs involved, so be sure you really understand what’s required before contacting either the RPRA, or a “PRO.”5. COVID-19 Outbreak Guidance from the Province
Yes, there are still COVID outbreaks, and OMAFRA has pulled together guidance from the Ministry of Health for you:Outbreak Guidance: Workplace and Living Settings for Seasonal International Agriculture Workers
For the 2023 Growing Season, the Outbreak Guidance will continue to act as recommendations for best practices for both PHUs and farm operators (i.e., the Guidance does not have requirements for isolation). Employers should check with their PHU regularly for information about local guidance or requirements that may apply.
- All positive COVID-19 cases who reside in employer-provided living settings, regardless of whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic, should be isolated immediately with symptom onset or positive test result if asymptomatic, and isolate until symptoms have been improving for 24 hours (or 48 hours if gastrointestinal symptoms) and no fever present. Isolation is not mandatory.
6. Worker Health & Safety – Air Quality
With the many fires that have been happening across Canada, there was a request for information on employers’ responsibilities. WSPS has put together a Q&A. Other helpful information can be found on the CDC website.7. CNLA Updates
Provided by Jamie Aalbers, Growers Sector SpecialistBox Tree Moth east of Ontario
- On June 8, CFIA alerted CNLA that there was a suspected presence of BTM on boxwood at retail locations in NB.
- Since then, tracing activities by CFIA confirmed BTM in garden centres in all eastern provinces, including QC from boxwood originating in Ontario.
- Since BTM is a regulated pest in Canada, CFIA must try and stop pest establishment in QC and the Atlantic provinces, although with the degree of potential spread, it is hard to say if they can eradicate it at this point.
- CNLA had purchased 80 pheromone traps for distribution in affected provinces to expand CFIA's surveillance efforts and help determine next steps.
- The industry task force is analyzing the available information to determine if amendments are required to the best management practices.
- CFIA has confirmed the first case of Oak wilt (Bretziella fagacearum) in Canada, in Niagara Falls at a residential property.
- CFIA is removing the trees and all oaks within 100 meters of the infected ones.
- Since this first find, a second case of Oak wilt has been confirmed in Springwater Township.
- Nursery trade is not considered a high-risk pathway for spreading oak wilt and as such CFIA does not intend to regulate the nursery sector.
- However, this disease is a serious threat to oaks in Canada's forests and landscapes. Lumber and firewood are high risk pathways for spread.
- PMRA has granted CFIA’s application for Emergency Use registration of Altus insecticide for SLF control on outdoor ornamentals.
This report is provided by LO’s Grower Technical Analyst, Jeanine West.
Please contact Jeanine for more information: jwest@landscapeontario.com or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.
Please contact Jeanine for more information: jwest@landscapeontario.com or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.