December 30, 2024

LO Growers Group Newsletter - December 2024
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! We look forward to seeing you in the new year!
Sheraton meeting space - 801 Dixon Road, Toronto
January 7: Growers Reception (5-7:30 p.m.):
Sheraton meeting space - 801 Dixon Road, Toronto
January 16: LO Growers Group Meeting (Noon-1 p.m.):
Virtual call
February 5: Nursery Growers Short Course (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.):
Lionhead Golf Club & Conference Centre, Brampton
IPM Workshops coming in February:
Planning is underway for the nursery grower IPM workshops to be held at the end of February and first week of March. Stay tuned for details in the next newsletter.
Those interested in being in the 2025 scout program MUST email Jeanine with their intent to sign up by February 7, 2025.
Nurseries will be notified if they are on the program by February 20, 2025.
Note: Nurseries on the program must be within a two-hour drive from Guelph. If you are not chosen for 2025, we will prioritize you for the following year.
On November 19, we hosted our first-ever IPM Study group meeting at Landscape Ontario in Milton. 17 staff from 12 different nurseries representing various regions of the province were in attendance. The group discussed specific pest challenges, shared experiences and successes, identified research gaps and minor use priorities, and plans to meet again this summer. For more information on this IPM study group and to stay in the loop on future meetings/events, please reach out to Cassie.
On November 27, we held our annual research priority-setting meeting with around 20 growers from throughout the province. The group brainstormed and ranked different research projects, focusing on the sector’s top three research need subcategories:
During the 2024 PPV survey, CFIA confirmed the detection of plum pox virus (PPV) in samples obtained from a residential property and a commercial orchard in Stoney Creek (City of Hamilton), Ontario. It is suspected the spread occurred naturally with aphids being the vector. This is the first detection in the annual survey in 11 years.
The positive trees were found inside the western edge of the existing PPV quarantine area. CFIA will be recommending the Minister of Agriculture expand the PPV quarantine area to coincide with international guidelines. The new proposed western boundary of the quarantine area will be McNeilly Road/Eighth Road East and the proposed southern boundary will be Green Mountain Road East.
This new area expands the existing boundary about three concessions west and one or two south.
Under the Plum Pox Virus Infested Place Order, regulated Prunus spp. Material, which does not include fruit, is not permitted to move outside of the designated quarantine area. Additionally, its propagation will continue to be prohibited within the quarantine area.
More information about plum pox virus can be found on CFIA's website.
CNLA Spotted Lanternfly Task Force - continuing consultations with CFIA
Based on the opposition expressed by grower members to the proposed CFIA directive for SLF domestic and import phytosanitary requirements, the CNLA SLF Task Force met with CFIA to discuss an alternative approach that does not place disproportionate burden on the nursery sector to manage the spread of this new invasive pest.
CFIA was responsive to the concerns raised (why are phytosanitary requirements being placed only on nursery and logs with bark, and not the transportation sector; recognition of the different responses needed to a first detection in Canada versus after SLF is established, clarity on what will occur at a nursery when SLF is found either on the nursery or in proximity to a nursery; importance of ensuring nursery stock can continue to move after a SLF detection; challenges posed in managing SLF without adequate pesticides registered in Canada) and will take them into consideration as the directive is edited.
Another meeting with CFIA is scheduled for the new year.
Box tree moth task force
The CFIA-led TAC, which includes grower members, CNLA, OMAFA, and others continue to meet every three weeks.
We do NOT expect the federal order that prohibits Canadian grown boxwood (excluding B.C.) into the U.S. to be lifted this year. APHIS is arguing they need time to test the efficacy of their own compliance agreements first before resuming discussions to lift the federal order.
In the meantime, the TAC continues to work toward ensuring our pest modules and control options align as much with the U.S. as possible and are therefore making steps to try and secure additional chemical registrations such as Acelepryn and Avid (once the products re-evaluation is over).
Labour Force Management Strategies Initiative (SCAP)
Cost-share of up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $40,000. Projects must include at least one of the following activities:
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (SCAP)
Funding will be provided to eligible growers to help improve on-farm productivity and increase the resilience of agricultural landscapes in response to a changing climate. Projects will focus on:
For nurseries with greenhouse structures - Program Offer from Enbridge
This latest incentive offers three times the standard incentive rating, meaning $0.3/m3 for a retrofit project that focuses on increasing your natural gas efficiency. This deal is exclusive to customers with less than 2,000,000 m3 annual natural gas consumption in the previous year and the retrofit project must be completed by July 1, 2025.
1. Upcoming events in 2025
January 7: LO Growers Group Meeting (4-5 p.m.):Sheraton meeting space - 801 Dixon Road, Toronto
- Draft agenda to be circulated by end of December to the LOGG members.
- Draft minutes from the November 26 meeting are here. We welcome a new research chair, Ryan Munroe and send out special thanks to Bart Brusse for all the work leading the research subcommittee for so many years. We also have a treasurer, Todd Baker, who will be working with Joe Sabatino to check in on our group's financials.
January 7: Growers Reception (5-7:30 p.m.):
Sheraton meeting space - 801 Dixon Road, Toronto
- All are welcome!
- Send Jeanine your favourite craft choice by January 1.
- Following the reception, we will be heading to the Chop House (same address) for supper. Please let Jeanine know by January 3 if you would like to join so we can finalize the reservation.
January 16: LO Growers Group Meeting (Noon-1 p.m.):
Virtual call
- Annual review of LOGG financials with Joe Sabatino.
February 5: Nursery Growers Short Course (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.):
Lionhead Golf Club & Conference Centre, Brampton
- "Getting back to our roots" - a great lineup of speakers.
- NEW location, This could be a long-term home for the short course.
- Exciting new networking reception sponsored by ICL Specialty Fertilizers.
- Registration is now open. PLEASE register early to save money and so have a good handle on the number of attendees.
IPM Workshops coming in February:
Planning is underway for the nursery grower IPM workshops to be held at the end of February and first week of March. Stay tuned for details in the next newsletter.
2. Nursery Scout 2025
The job ad has been posted (Indeed, U of G) and we are collecting resumés until mid-January. We will be doing a lottery system this year for the available scouting spots. Estimated costs based on 2024 will be $2,000 for every two weeks of scouting and $4,000 for a weekly scouting event. Each scouting event includes up to four hours on farms plus a farm-specific report. As we transition away from our dependence on OMAFRA support for this program, we will be utilizing more electronic reporting tools to streamline the scout reports.Lottery
Those interested in being in the 2025 scout program MUST email Jeanine with their intent to sign up by February 7, 2025.
Nurseries will be notified if they are on the program by February 20, 2025.
Note: Nurseries on the program must be within a two-hour drive from Guelph. If you are not chosen for 2025, we will prioritize you for the following year.
3. OMAFRA Updates
Thank you to those who attended our November meetingsOn November 19, we hosted our first-ever IPM Study group meeting at Landscape Ontario in Milton. 17 staff from 12 different nurseries representing various regions of the province were in attendance. The group discussed specific pest challenges, shared experiences and successes, identified research gaps and minor use priorities, and plans to meet again this summer. For more information on this IPM study group and to stay in the loop on future meetings/events, please reach out to Cassie.
On November 27, we held our annual research priority-setting meeting with around 20 growers from throughout the province. The group brainstormed and ranked different research projects, focusing on the sector’s top three research need subcategories:
- Improving efficiencies and automation to reduce cost of production.
- Water quality and efficiency.
- Improved pest management strategies.
4. CNLA Updates
Plum Pox Virus quarantine area to be expandedDuring the 2024 PPV survey, CFIA confirmed the detection of plum pox virus (PPV) in samples obtained from a residential property and a commercial orchard in Stoney Creek (City of Hamilton), Ontario. It is suspected the spread occurred naturally with aphids being the vector. This is the first detection in the annual survey in 11 years.
The positive trees were found inside the western edge of the existing PPV quarantine area. CFIA will be recommending the Minister of Agriculture expand the PPV quarantine area to coincide with international guidelines. The new proposed western boundary of the quarantine area will be McNeilly Road/Eighth Road East and the proposed southern boundary will be Green Mountain Road East.
This new area expands the existing boundary about three concessions west and one or two south.
Under the Plum Pox Virus Infested Place Order, regulated Prunus spp. Material, which does not include fruit, is not permitted to move outside of the designated quarantine area. Additionally, its propagation will continue to be prohibited within the quarantine area.
More information about plum pox virus can be found on CFIA's website.
CNLA Spotted Lanternfly Task Force - continuing consultations with CFIA
Based on the opposition expressed by grower members to the proposed CFIA directive for SLF domestic and import phytosanitary requirements, the CNLA SLF Task Force met with CFIA to discuss an alternative approach that does not place disproportionate burden on the nursery sector to manage the spread of this new invasive pest.
CFIA was responsive to the concerns raised (why are phytosanitary requirements being placed only on nursery and logs with bark, and not the transportation sector; recognition of the different responses needed to a first detection in Canada versus after SLF is established, clarity on what will occur at a nursery when SLF is found either on the nursery or in proximity to a nursery; importance of ensuring nursery stock can continue to move after a SLF detection; challenges posed in managing SLF without adequate pesticides registered in Canada) and will take them into consideration as the directive is edited.
Another meeting with CFIA is scheduled for the new year.
Box tree moth task force
The CFIA-led TAC, which includes grower members, CNLA, OMAFA, and others continue to meet every three weeks.
We do NOT expect the federal order that prohibits Canadian grown boxwood (excluding B.C.) into the U.S. to be lifted this year. APHIS is arguing they need time to test the efficacy of their own compliance agreements first before resuming discussions to lift the federal order.
In the meantime, the TAC continues to work toward ensuring our pest modules and control options align as much with the U.S. as possible and are therefore making steps to try and secure additional chemical registrations such as Acelepryn and Avid (once the products re-evaluation is over).
5. Funding opportunities
Labour Force Management Strategies Initiative (SCAP)
Cost-share of up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $40,000. Projects must include at least one of the following activities:
- Piloting incremental worker supports.
- Piloting incremental recruitment strategies in Ontario.
- Development of new or incremental human resource policies and programs.
- Planning for certain on-site amenities for employees.
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (SCAP)
Funding will be provided to eligible growers to help improve on-farm productivity and increase the resilience of agricultural landscapes in response to a changing climate. Projects will focus on:
- Natural Grassland Establishment
- Perennial Biomass Crops
- Perennial Warm Season Pastures
- Reduced Tillage
- Tree and Shrub Planting
- Water Retention Features
- Wetlands
For nurseries with greenhouse structures - Program Offer from Enbridge
This latest incentive offers three times the standard incentive rating, meaning $0.3/m3 for a retrofit project that focuses on increasing your natural gas efficiency. This deal is exclusive to customers with less than 2,000,000 m3 annual natural gas consumption in the previous year and the retrofit project must be completed by July 1, 2025.
6. Stormwater fees update
MPP Donna Skelly just released a Motion to prevent municipalities from charging fees for infrastructure not utilized by agricultural operations. See attached PDF for more details.
This report is provided by LO’s Grower Technical Analyst, Jeanine West.
Please contact Jeanine for more information: or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.
Past reports can be found online at
Please contact Jeanine for more information: or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.
Past reports can be found online at