July 24, 2023

LO Growers Group Newsletter - July 2023
1. Summer barbecue: August 24 or 31?
It is high time we get together and connect in person, don’t you think? There are two date options for a late summer Nursery Growers BBQ: August 24 or 31 … which do you prefer? Please let me know by July 28 so we can get planning! (Cassie is away early September and I’m away late September, so let’s try for a date when we’re able to be there).2. Environmental Farm Plans (Version 4) and SCAP Funding
To access funding under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP), you will need your Environmental Farm Plan updated to the latest version. Go to www.ontariosoilcrop.org to register for a workshop. We anticipate funding announcements will come very soon.3. Box Tree Moth – Adults Flying, Traps Need Lure Replacement
Box tree moth adults are in full flight. The first catches in Niagara, Ont. were reported on June 25 and in Cookstown, Ont. on July 8. Please keep me informed of your finds so that we can follow the flight period. Remember to check and your traps and replace your lures! Rubber septa lures usually need to be replaced each month and gel syringe lures need to be replaced every three months. If you set up your traps at the beginning of May, the gel lures will need to be replaced at the end of this month. Timing to apply chemical control for the second generation of larvae is around July 15. Make sure to scout your boxwood thoroughly to determine if BTM is present and at what stage.4. CFIA D-22-01 and D-22-02
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) just closed a consultation period on two new directives: D-22-01 covers the importation of fruit tree propagation material, and D-22-02 is a re-vamp of D-99-07 for Prunus and PPV restrictions. While there were no major concerns with either proposed directive, we did submit a response on behalf of the sector.5. Cultivate 2023
Jamie Aalbers (CNLA) and I went to Ohio for the trade show and saw some of you there. There were two grower/association/regulator meetings held on July 17: one on Thrips parvispinus, and one on Box Tree Moth. Jamie will be providing a follow up on the BTM meeting soon.6. Japanese Beetle Trapping Trials
We are in the thick of Japanese Beetle flight season now. Cassie Russell (OMAFRA), Ann Huber (SRG) and I have been running a JB trap trial for CFIA to investigate effectiveness of three alternative traps since the original Pherocon/Trece® Catch-Can® traps are no longer available. I’m collecting hundreds of beetles from my property, and it’s frankly pretty gross! Let me know if you have any interest in getting the results from this trial.7. Delegation of Growers from Belgium
A group of Belgian ornamental growers is coming to Ontario August 31 to September 5 and are hoping to visit some nurseries in Southern Ontario, along with Vineland Research and Innovation Centre (VRIC) and substrate companies. If you’re interested in hosting them for a short tour, please contact me by July 31!8. CNLA Updates
Provided by Jamie Aalbers, Growers Sector SpecialistBox Tree Moth east of Ontario
CFIA is continuing its investigation on the movement of BTM to retail locations in the five eastern provinces of Canada. A risk analysis of the BTM Directive is underway to understand if there are aspects of the pest module (including the BMPs), or the underlying systems approaches that contributed to this movement. The BTM Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which CNLA and two grower members of Landscape Ontario (LO) sit on, will be utilized to work this out. At this time, it doesn’t look like amendments are required to the best management practices and all boxwood growers are strongly encouraged to continue implementing the recommended actions.
On July 13, CFIA posted a Notice to Industry. This notice shares that a ministerial Order has now been signed by Minister Bibeau, which is the final piece of the Directive regulating BTM.
Deltagard registration consultation
The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) released their proposed registration decision for DeltaGard on June 27 for public consultation. The PMRA will accept comments on this proposal up to 45 days from the date of publication. The changes transfer the emergency use registration for box tree moth, which has to be renewed annually, to a complete label expansion no longer needing renewal each year.
The PMRA is proposing registration for the sale and use of DeltaGard SC Insecticide (active ingredient deltamethrin) to control box tree moth on outdoor-grown boxwood. Since the current minor use application for use on boxwood represents expansion to a new use site category (i.e. outdoor ornamentals), this is considered a major new use and requires consultation with Canadians as described in PMRA’s Management of Submission Policy.
You can submit your comments to Publications.
Please contact Jamie at jamie@canadanursery.com or 647-724-8630 if you have any concerns or comments on national issues.
This report is provided by LO’s Grower Technical Analyst, Jeanine West.
Please contact Jeanine for more information: jwest@landscapeontario.com or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.
Please contact Jeanine for more information: jwest@landscapeontario.com or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.