March 27, 2020

Come Alive Outside 5x5 Challenge
Come Alive Outside with the help of Landscape Ontario is providing free nature-focused programming to help children and adults continue to spend time outdoors while social distancing during the COVID-19 shutdowns.
The “5x5 Challenge” encourages participants to engage in 5 healthy outdoor activities a week for 5 straight weeks and share pictures of their adventures along the way.
The challenge is a fun way for you and your kids to stay active and connected to the outdoors as the buds start to bloom this spring!
Check out the “5x5 Challenge” where you can get ideas and for 5 healthy outdoor activities a week for 5 straight weeks and share pictures of your adventures!
The “5x5 Challenge” encourages participants to engage in 5 healthy outdoor activities a week for 5 straight weeks and share pictures of their adventures along the way.
The challenge is a fun way for you and your kids to stay active and connected to the outdoors as the buds start to bloom this spring!
Check out the “5x5 Challenge” where you can get ideas and for 5 healthy outdoor activities a week for 5 straight weeks and share pictures of your adventures!