Changes to Ontario One Call phone requests from contractors
Effective March 2019, Ontario One Call will be moving any requests with more than a single civic to the web. Any requests that contain more than one civic, or have no civic associated will not be processed over the phone.
Please read the following carefully for important information.
What is changing?
Phone queue migration for Contractors: Late in 2017, Ontario One Call announced plans to migrate professional contractors entirely to the web platform for spring of 2018. However, with the decision to add further improvements and to allow for a transition period for our users this change is being phased in over time.
Phase one migrated multiple requests to the web in April 2018, meaning excavators who wish to submit more than one ticket simultaneously must use the web portal.
Effective March 2019 the second phase of this change will be implemented: Ontario One Call will only accept requests by phone for excavations occurring at one single property that has a valid civic associated to it.
For more information visit https://www.on1call.com/2766/
What doesn’t change
Homeowner requests and legitimate emergency requests will continue to be available for processing by phone at 1-800-400-2255 for all property types.
How can I prepare for this change?
Ontario One Call is dedicated to supporting contractors through this transition. We understand that people have different comfort levels with technology, and for many people this will be a change in how they do this part of their job.
Ontario One Call are providing advance notice and making sure everyone has opportunities to adapt to the new requirements.
You can begin using the Web Portal today at https://www.on1call.com/webportalnewuser/
Familiarize yourself with this process over the next few months by doing the following:
Register for a training session by checking our Events page.
Visit Ontario One Call’s website for resources for contractors, including training videos on using the Web Portal.
Contact solutions@on1call.com to better understand how to process locate requests through Ontario One Call’s WebPortal. Support will be available for excavators throughout the transition