February 1, 2021

Canadians support citizenship for TFWs
A strong majority of Canadians support citizenship rights for temporary foreign workers, according to a recent poll.
Eight in 10 Canadians would support (40 per cent) or somewhat support (41 per cent) providing a way for temporary migrant workers to remain in Canada, the Nanos poll showed. The research was commissioned by Canadian senators Ratna Omidvar and Rob Black.
“We need more concrete and equitable improvements to our migrant worker programs,” said Omidvar. “Since the workers are essential to our well-being and safety, then the safest, prudent and the most human way forward is to provide them with more permanent residency options.”
Temporary foreign workers currently fill 17 per cent of all jobs in the agriculture sector.
The majority of respondents also agreed (71 per cent) or somewhat agreed (22 per cent) temporary migrant workers make a vital contribution to our agriculture sector, and that they should benefit from the same advantages and the same protections as any other worker (51 per cent are in favour and 28 per cent, somewhat favourable). 84 per cent of respondents said the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) have a positive or somewhat positive impact on Canada’s agricultural sector.