March 30, 2022
NOTE: Latest version updated July 5, 2024 is now available.

Please download the box tree moth (BTM) Best Management Practices (BMPs) developed in collaboration with nursery growers, CNLA, LO, OMAFRA and the University of Guelph.

Note that these BMPs continue to evolve as we learn more about the science of the pest and regulatory framework in both Canada and the USA.

We believe the BMPs and the BTM pest modules that are being developed for CNCP and Clean Plants facilities in Canada will ultimately support the long-term trade of Buxus, Ilex and Euonymus plants while minimizing introduction and spread of BTM.

We encourage all facilities with host plants in production to follow the recommendations provided.

For more resources on box tree moth, visit

As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments regarding BTM or the BMPs.

Jeanine West,
LO Grower Technical Analyst
clean plants document
Download latest version dated July 5, 2024.