January 24, 2018
Estimating your job costs this season
Join Peter Guinane, CEO of Oriole Landscaping and Chair of Landscape Ontario's Landscape Construction Sector Group for a workshop on estimating. From this meeting you will:
Meet with Landscape Ontario's Apprenticeship Coordinator, Alex Gibson, and learn how Apprenticeship can help train, develop and retain your employees, and how you can access the new Graduated Apprenticeship Grant for employers (up to $19,200 over the course of training). We will have registration forms on-site. Contact Alex to find out what you and your staff will need to bring at jagibson@landscapeontario.com.
All are welcome. Members are encouraged to bring a potential new member to monthly chapter meetings.
For more information please contact Myscha Stafford at myscha@landscapeontario.com or call 1-800-265-5656 ext. 2333.
Thank you to our meeting sponsor
Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association 7856 Fifth Line South, Milton, ON L9T 2X8
1-800-265-5656 www.horttrades.com
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Thank you to our meeting sponsor
1-800-265-5656 www.horttrades.com
Manage your Landscape Ontario email preferences