April 22, 2021

Toronto and Peel to shut workplaces with Covid-19 outbreaks
Section 22 Orders to take effect April 23, 2021
Toronto Public Health and Peel Public Health issued updated Section 22 Order on workplaces (Class Order for Workplaces with COVID-19) that will direct all businesses with five or more cases of COVID-19 in the previous 14 days to close for 10 days where:
- The cases could have reasonably acquired their infection at work, or;
- No obvious source of infection has been identified outside of the workplace.
Important details from the Toronto Public Health website:
- The COVID-19 situation is serious with case counts that are the highest they have been since the beginning of the pandemic.
- While TPH will apply every measure within its authority, the assistance of every sector of society is critical in responding effectively to wave.
- Employers that continue to be open must: Re-evaluate their operations to determine whether every possible person who can work remotely is currently doing so. Have a safety plan. Ensure to keep distance between employees, screen employees daily and immediately report more than two cases in their workplace.
Important details from the Region of Peel's website:
- Closure will happen for businesses that have 5 cases that are identified to have been reasonably acquired in the workplace over a 14-day span or no obvious source of infection has been identified outside the workplace.
- Closure will last 10 calendar days, with day 1 starting the day after the business is notified that they must close. All affected employees must self-isolate. Employees who are isolating are not permitted to work in any other workplace. This further restricts spread should they have been exposed in their workplace.
- Absent legislated paid sick days, employers required to close under these provisions are strongly recommended to provide paid leave for impacted employees.