
Mar 5, 2024
Ontario invasive plants
Landscape Ontario recognizes the threat of invasive plants to certain environments.

Aug 26, 2021
Invasive plants in your garden
Some simple guidelines and resources to help you deal with uninvited guests in your garden.

Mar 15, 2015
LO members help combat invasive plants
Ed Horlings, owner of Horlings Garden Centre in Peterborough and member of Landscape Ontario, is always looking for new products, information and services for his customers.
May 15, 2014
LO states concerns for Invasive Species Act
Some organizations are asking for restrictions on new plants that are lacking scientific assessments

Apr 15, 2014
Province introduces Invasive Species Act
Proposed legislation was introduced in the provincial legislature on Feb. 26.
Jul 15, 2012
Grow Me Instead project has official launch
The Grow Me Instead Guide highlights a variety of native and non-native plants that do well in gardens and are non-invasive in Ontario.
Mar 15, 2012
Alternative plant promo for garden centres
The Ontario Invasive Plant Council (OIPC) is a non-profit organization founded in 2007 to develop a coordinated provincial response to the growing threat of invasive plants.
Nov 15, 2011
Invasive Plant Council expects regulations
There are over 400 species of plants considered invasive in Ontario.