
Jul 4, 2022
Reaching milestones along the apprenticeship journey
Over the last year of the COVID-19 pandemic, these amazing apprentices refused to be deterred as they continued along their chosen pathway throughout a very challenging time.
Apr 1, 2022
Education is invaluable
I believe you can put an actual dollar figure on the value of education.

Feb 9, 2022
Apprenticeship planning meeting was a huge success
The apprenticeship team gained valuable intelligence from the group of enthusiastic professionals representing a wide variety of horticulture and landscape sectors that were in attendance.

Dec 16, 2021
Knowledge is power
Hear from a red seal journeyperson, a landscape business owner, and an Algonquin College professor to find out why they are passionate about apprenticeship.
Dec 16, 2021
The best kept secret in the landscape profession
I have personally observed many people who's lives and careers have benefited from the Apprenticeship Program.

Jan 14, 2021
Apprenticeship Program - Informative Video
Learn about the many benefits available to both employers and employees in the landscape profession through the Apprenticeship Program. Landscape Ontario can help you with the registration process. Visit today.

Jan 14, 2021
Apprenticeship Program - Employer Benefits Video
Employers in the landscape profession can take benefits from skills upgrading of employees and virtually no cost through the many financial benefits available through the Apprenticeship Program. Landscape Ontario can help you with the registration process. Visit today.

Jan 14, 2021
Apprenticeship Program - Staff Benefits Video
Employees in the landscape profession can take their career to the next level by earning a Red Seal Designation through the Apprenticeship Program. Work your regular hours and earn your regular wages and earn $4,000 in grants. Landscape Ontario can help you with the registration process. Visit today.