November 8, 2024
Home and property owners are asked to be on the lookout for spotted lanternfly and report any sightings immediately.

This full-colour, credit-card-sized pest identification card is available in .jpg or .pdf versions to download and keep handy on your device.

Adults are approximately 20 to 26 mm long and 12 mm wide. They have uniquely-coloured wings: the front wings are light brown/grey with black spots at the front and dark speckled bands near the back. The rear wings are red in colour and have black spots near the front and white and black bands at the back. The abdomen is yellow with horizontal black stripes. Early stage nymphs are black and white, while later stage nymphs are black, white and red.

Hosts include (but are not limited to): grape, tree-of-heaven, black walnut, maples, hops, roses, and more.

Signs of the pest include grey or black weeping wounds on host plants and yellowish-white mold patches occurring at the base of the tree. Newly laid egg masses are brown in colour and covered in a grey, waxy coating that resembles a smear of mud.

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Photo Credits: L. Barringer & H. Raguza (, E. Wachmann, Itchydogimages

Report ALL sightings via

More information and links:
Spotted Lanternfly – CFIA
Spotted Lanternfly – Ontario
Spotted Lanternfly – Printable Pest Alert Poster
Spotted Lanternfly - Printable Info cards (CFIA)
Spotted Lanternfly Info – Invasive Species Centre