January 3, 2024
Show off your award-winning projects on Instagram
By Charlotte Guena

In January 2023, Landscape Ontario member Niagara Outdoor won five Awards of Excellence, including the Casey Van Maris Award for the project with the highest marks for execution of unique and innovative design.

Two days after the awards ceremony, they posted a carousel on Instagram that received a lot of engagement. Here are some tips to help you show off your success on social:

1. Start with faces

Show who is behind all the work you do and grab people’s attention with a smile or a cheerful team shot in front of the awards backdrop.

2. Show the hardware

Show your award(s) on the next photo, and consider having another close-up photo highlighting your big accomplishments.

3. Caption

Be genuine and don’t be afraid to show your feelings. Thank your team and fellow landscapers who helped you on this project and tag them along the way by using the @ symbol with their handle. Include the hashtag #LOAwards.

4. Comment

Take the time to answer people congratulating you — even better if you can throw in a few personalized words.

More tips

Add a wide-angle photo of the event (people at a table, clapping, hugging), or anything lively to connect with the community.

Add a beautiful picture of one awarded project. You can prepare this one in advance.