May 29, 2002
Rotary program targets youth
A partnership between Ridgetown College, University of Guelph and the Ridgetown Rotary Club will target high school students interested in pursuing a career in agriculture or horticulture.
This is the first time in the 10-year history of the Rotary Career Edge Program that horticulture will be included. The program will target grade 11, 12 and OAC students to spend three-and-a-half days at Ridgetown College to learn about the industry and its many career opportunities. Students will also travel by bus to various horticultural businesses in Southwestern Ontario, where they will tour the facilities as well as collect information on the types of occupations in the field.
For information on the Rotary Career Edge Program, please contact Heather Jenner, Ridgetown College, Tel: (519) 674-1517, Fax: 519-674-1530 or e-mail: