October 5, 2023

Registration open for GISC 2023
Online registration is now open for Alberta’s Green Industry Show and Conference (GISC), Nov. 15-16, 2023 at Westerner Park in Red Deer. The event will feature 24 educational sessions, over 100 exhibitors, bus tours to local greenhouses and garden centres, plus networking and social events. Early bird pricing ends Nov. 1, 2023.
GISC is the largest trade show of its kind between Toronto and Vancouver.
GISC will feature an wide array of speakers and topics at this year’s Conference — from optimizing growth conditions and the role of plants in addressing climate change, to sessions on business development, marketing and human resources. A full conference pass is $275 for a member and $325 for a non-member with prices going up after Nov. 1. Members of qualifying organizations can pre-register for the trade show portion of the event for free, non-members are $10 and on-site registration is $20.
Conference attendees are eligible for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for the Canadian Nursery Landscape Assocation’s national Landscape Horticulture Certification Program designations (1 CEU per hour of instruction/session). Some sessions may also qualify participants to earn CEUs for the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and for Pesticide Applicator Recertification Credits.
Social events for delegates include an After Trade Show Tailgate Party on Nov. 15 at 4 p.m. and The After Party! at 8:30 p.m. Additional ticketed events include a Growers Auction (Nov. 14), Greenhouse Bus Tour (Nov. 14), and Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association (AGGA) Garden Party (Nov. 15).
Tickets for all events and the full agenda and conference lineup is available online at greenindustryshow.com.