October 21, 2015
OHTF Scholarship Recipients 2014

Landscape Ontario Scholarship recipients for 2014
Each worth $1,000Casey van Maris Memorial
Jordan Valters, Ridgetown/University of Guelph
High School Program
Lindsey Elise McCain, University of Guelph
Tony DiGiovanni
Amanda Henderson, Humber College
Post Secondary
Stephen Corradino, Seneca College
Scott Ferguson, Humber College
Zac Hertel, St. Clair College
Sharri Honsberger, Fanshawe College
Chadwick Huggett, Fanshawe College
Jonathan Jacques, University of Guelph
Michael Masson, Fanshawe College
Derek McIntosh, Seneca College
George Peacock, Seneca College
Patti Prieur, Fanshawe College
Elizabeth Roy, Humber College
Matt Shushack, University of Guelph
Lingping You, Seneca College
Graduate Research Assistance Program ($6,000)
Tyson Jennett, University of Guelph
Two scholarships were not handed out this year: the John and Ruth Wright Scholarship and the Horst Dickert Memorial Scholarship.
For more information, contact Meghan Greaves at 1-800-265-5656, ext. 2301