March 31, 2021

Ministry Of Labour Workplace Inspections are ongoing
Ensure your business follows public health guidelines
Landscape Ontario members are reporting workplace inspections by Ministry Of Labour officials. Please ensure your business is following all public health guidelines to keep employees and the public safe. Here are orders from a recent MOL inspection:
- Ensure all workers and essential visitors complete active screening as required by the Ministry of Health.
- Employers must use products that are approved by Health Canada to disinfect against Covid-19.
- Bandanas, scarves, neck gaiters or neck warmers are not acceptable as source control masks for the purpose of preventing Covid-19 transmission. These are usually made of thin materials, are not secured well on the face, are likely to move or slip, and are difficult to remove without contaminating the wearer.
- Employers must report any cases of Covid-19 to the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and WSIB.
- There must be accommodations in place for all workers to take their breaks and eat.
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) recently shared 6 tips to promote compliance. See the list by clicking the link below: