September 15, 2012
Many benefits to membership
By Helen Hassard
Membership and Chapter Coordinator
After what seems like the longest summer ever (for the record that’s a statement, not a complaint), things are finally starting to cool down again.
And with that, I’m sure a lot of members are starting to work through piles of paperwork. And, maybe somewhere in that pile is your LO membership renewal.
When you find that renewal, and you begin wondering what you get out of being a member, I want to take a minute to remind you.
We help you save money and are always working on new ways to save you more money. We work with our national association (CNLA) to make sure our members have lots of great savings opportunities.
This summer a few new benefits were added to the list, including Global Payments, Schooley Mitchell Telecom and the Retail Council of Canada’s discount programs. For details and a specific list of benefits, visit, or review the list in your membership renewal package.
We help you build your network! LO has nine chapters across the province and each chapter meets regularly between September and April. Chapter meetings provide information and education by hosting a range of informative speakers, as well as giving you a chance to meet with other industry members. Watch your weekly e-news for dates and locations, or check out Events on
Call at 1-800-265-5656, ext. 354, or email, or tweet me about it at @LOMembership. I would like to hear your thoughts and feedback.
Membership and Chapter Coordinator

And with that, I’m sure a lot of members are starting to work through piles of paperwork. And, maybe somewhere in that pile is your LO membership renewal.
When you find that renewal, and you begin wondering what you get out of being a member, I want to take a minute to remind you.
We help you save money and are always working on new ways to save you more money. We work with our national association (CNLA) to make sure our members have lots of great savings opportunities.
This summer a few new benefits were added to the list, including Global Payments, Schooley Mitchell Telecom and the Retail Council of Canada’s discount programs. For details and a specific list of benefits, visit, or review the list in your membership renewal package.
We help you build your network! LO has nine chapters across the province and each chapter meets regularly between September and April. Chapter meetings provide information and education by hosting a range of informative speakers, as well as giving you a chance to meet with other industry members. Watch your weekly e-news for dates and locations, or check out Events on
Promote your business
We help you stand out! Landscape Ontario and our provincial counterparts are working to make the Green for Life brand a nationally recognized symbol. As a member you have access to this logo, as well as lots of free branded materials. Go to and select the resources menu to order materials or download the logo.Improve your knowledge
We help you stay at the top of your game! Each year, Landscape Ontario offers more than 100 winter seminars, national certification testing, safety training opportunities and winter conferences to keep you and your crew up-to-date. Visit and select Professional Development.Call at 1-800-265-5656, ext. 354, or email, or tweet me about it at @LOMembership. I would like to hear your thoughts and feedback.