July 15, 2008
Local relevance: Giving back to the community
By Stephanie Smith
Membership services coordinator
Recently, the Waterloo Chapter of Landscape Ontario worked together with Project EverGreen to green the schoolyard at École Bruyère. Members installed 26 trees and six landscape rocks, much to the delight of staff, students and parents.
It was such a success that one of the parents, inspired by the work that had taken place, walked into the school the following Monday with a cheque for $1,000 to assist with the project’s completion. The parent said he was so happy to see such positive changes to the school’s environment as a result of our greening process. It shows how important it is for parents to see their children in a wonderful, inviting environment. The Toronto Dominion Bank also donated funds.
The parents’ council has also worked tirelessly to green up St. Columba, a very small local school with an amazing community spirit. Despite this, it has been targeted for closure. The Chapter’s plant donation has inspired staff, students and parents to fight harder to keep the school alive.
All proceeds from the sale of the home will be donated to benefit Gilda’s Club of Barrie, a charity providing cancer support for families. Visit the Barrie project’s blog at www.buildforgildas.com.
The Chapter is also raising funds at its upcoming Golf Day and Trade Show, set for August 21st, 2008.
To check out all of the LO Chapter projects online, please go to http://sites.google.com/a/landscapeontario.com/landscapeontario-in-public
The warm weather is finally here so you know what that means: golf and baseball tournaments!
Toronto Golf, July 24
Golden Horseshoe Golf, August 13
Toronto Baseball, August 17
Georgian Lakelands Golf, August 21
London Golf, September 12
Windsor Golf, September 13
Support your Chapter and have a fun day out in the fresh air!
Did you know that a large portion of the proceeds of each tournament go directly to some great local charities? Check it all out at www.horttrades.com.
Stephanie Smith can be reached by e-mail at ssmith@landscapeontario.com.
Membership services coordinator

It was such a success that one of the parents, inspired by the work that had taken place, walked into the school the following Monday with a cheque for $1,000 to assist with the project’s completion. The parent said he was so happy to see such positive changes to the school’s environment as a result of our greening process. It shows how important it is for parents to see their children in a wonderful, inviting environment. The Toronto Dominion Bank also donated funds.
Another school supported
The Golden Horseshoe Chapter of Landscape Ontario also assisted with the donation of plants to St. Columba, a school in Hamilton’s city core. The plants have really made a huge impact on the school’s appearance, and helped raise awareness about the benefits of plants.The parents’ council has also worked tirelessly to green up St. Columba, a very small local school with an amazing community spirit. Despite this, it has been targeted for closure. The Chapter’s plant donation has inspired staff, students and parents to fight harder to keep the school alive.
Cancer Survivors Park
The Ottawa Chapter participated in the development of Canada’s second Cancer Survivors Park. Canlok Stone and Unilock donated interlock for the job, while LO members donated their time and expertise to install the material. For more on the project, see the full article in Chapter News on page 18, or visit www.cancersurvivorspark.ca.Members help Gilda’s Club
The Georgian Lakelands Chapter has teamed up with the Greater Barrie Home Builders Association and the Barrie Construction Association to build a home in 72 hours. Members of the Chapter donate their time and knowledge to landscape the home.All proceeds from the sale of the home will be donated to benefit Gilda’s Club of Barrie, a charity providing cancer support for families. Visit the Barrie project’s blog at www.buildforgildas.com.
The Chapter is also raising funds at its upcoming Golf Day and Trade Show, set for August 21st, 2008.
To check out all of the LO Chapter projects online, please go to http://sites.google.com/a/landscapeontario.com/landscapeontario-in-public
The warm weather is finally here so you know what that means: golf and baseball tournaments!
Upcoming chapter events
Upper Canada Golf, July 18Toronto Golf, July 24
Golden Horseshoe Golf, August 13
Toronto Baseball, August 17
Georgian Lakelands Golf, August 21
London Golf, September 12
Windsor Golf, September 13
Support your Chapter and have a fun day out in the fresh air!
Did you know that a large portion of the proceeds of each tournament go directly to some great local charities? Check it all out at www.horttrades.com.
Stephanie Smith can be reached by e-mail at ssmith@landscapeontario.com.