November 8, 2022

LO and GTI team up on video series
Landscape Ontario and the Guelph Turfgrass Institute (GTI) teamed up to create a video series on the environmental and health and wellness benefits of turfgrass as well as career opportunities in the field.
The series includes:
The series includes:
- The eco benefits of turfgrass with Dr. Katerina Jordan, Associate Professor, University of Guelph.
- How turfgrass supports an active, healthy lifestyle with Dr. Sara Stricker, Communications and Outreach Coordinator, GTI.
- From golf courses to home lawns: How scientific research grows better grass with Dr. Eric Lyons, Director, GTI.
- Build a rewarding career in turfgrass management with Cam Shaw, Program Manager, Turfgrass Management, University of Guelph.
Watch the videos online.