April 13, 2016

Grant money available for new training program

Members must respond by 5 p.m. on Fri., April 15

Tony DiGiovanniApril 13, 2016 - Landscape Ontario is preparing a proposal to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) to offer On the Job Training and Human Resources Training to your employees. MTCU will pay for two-thirds of the costs for each employee to take part in the training sessions if our proposal is accepted.

As a part of the proposal application, Landscape Ontario is required to show that companies will provide employees for the training. Below is a template for a support letter that will indicate your company's intent to send employees if the funding is approved. All that is needed is for you to copy and paste the letter to your letterhead, insert company name and number of employees who will attend (bold and italicized in document), then sign and return.

Your response is time sensitive.
We need to submit the proposal on Mon., April 18, 2016

Please return the completed letter to jamie.aalbers@gmail.com
AND sharvey@landscapeontario.com by 5 p.m. on Fri., April 15, 2016.

Best regards,
Tony DiGiovanni, Executive Director Landscape Ontario

Letter Template - Please copy and paste to your letterhead.

April 15, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

Our company (insert company name) is aware of, and fully supports, the response that Landscape Ontario has prepared to the Call for Proposals issued by the MTCU for the Canada-Ontario Job Grant – Upskill Program Pilot. This sector-based partnership is exactly what is needed in landscape horticulture to help develop our shared need for a more efficient, effective and resilient workforce.

Once this response is approved, employees from our company will participate in the essential and technical skills training offered through the On the Job Training and Human Resource Development programs.

We expect that (insert number) of our employees will participate in the On the Job Training program, to build capacity internally in our company before the end of the pilot in September 2017.

We anticipate that (insert number) of our management and ownership team will participate in the Human Resource Development programs leveraging the HR Toolkit and Effective Leadership resource to upskill our leadership teams before the end of the pilot in September 2017.

We look forward to a successful outcome to Landscape Ontario'’'s response to this proposal and the opportunity for us to further develop our workforce through the Upskill Program Pilot.

Best regards,