May 15, 2017
Lessons learned from membership
By Myscha Stafford
LO Membership and Chapter Coordinator
This past month, Landscape Ontario trade show coordinator Linda Nodello (one of the key people who make Congress a success) shared a fantastic article with home office staff titled “3 Membership Lessons from a Kindergarten Basketball Coach” by Bruce Hammond, CAE. At first glance, the connection between kindergarten sports and professional membership may seem distant, however, the links Hammond found are very relevant.
The three membership lessons in the article were:
LO Membership and Chapter Coordinator

The three membership lessons in the article were:
- Like little kids, new members need to know the basics.
- Everyone finds engagement and satisfaction in their own way, and that’s okay.
- Kindergarten basketball is a place for development, just like an association.
Lesson 1: Learn the basics
Do you know where to find important information on the HortTrades website, such as who to contact for your truck discount letter? This is a very common question we hear from new members. Important information is shared in LO’s new member package, but it also helps to be reminded. The first place to start is Here you can get the details on coming events, edit your member profile, browse labour resources and education opportunities among countless other options. This is your resource hub. If you have questions about where to find information and what business solutions are available to you, please contact the LO membership team.Lesson 2: Find engagement
Some of the players on Hammond’s kindergarten basketball team were dedicated to learning how to play the game; others merely wanted to be with their friends. Some members want to join multiple committees and be on Chapter boards, others may find their level of engagement by taking a few courses throughout the year. In her book, The Art of Membership, authour Sheri Jacobs says there are nine different types of members, all of which have unique interests and values as a member of an association. Member engagement differs one company to the next and should be based on the needs of individual businesses. The different types of member engagement allow us to produce a variety of products to help meet member needs including publications, events, training and education, and many others. Our goal is to provide solutions for business challenges and a community in which professionals can grow and develop their businesses.
Lesson 3: Develop
Perhaps you first heard about Landscape Ontario through a truck discount program, or maybe you attended Congress several times before joining. Like players learning a new sport, your association is here to help foster the development of your company and provide resources as your business evolves. Regardless of your type of member engagement, we want you to feel you are getting value out of your membership and that LO is helping you to develop your business. How do you want to develop your business? What tools do you need to achieve this? This summer, will you be taking advantage of our marketing resources? What about safety and training for your staff? If there is an area of your business you are looking to develop and you’re not sure how LO can help? Just ask us!
Member Days
May marks the start of our Member Appreciation Days and job site visits. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to host us. We are looking forward to seeing you and your incredible work. We are also very excited to announce that Landscape Ontario will be hosting the first annual province-wide Membership Day. Barbecues will be hosted simultaneously at the LO home office in Milton, as well as at satellite locations in Eastern and Western Ontario on June 27. Stay tuned for more details and mark your calendars for this exciting new event.
Myscha can be reached at or 1-800-265-5656 ext. 2333.
Myscha can be reached at or 1-800-265-5656 ext. 2333.