June 5, 2002
Industry News:
International Horticultural Congress call for abstracts

The Canadian Society for Horticultural Science invites horticultural science professionals from around the world to attend the XXVIth International Horticultural Congress, August 11 to 17, 2002 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

     Researchers and scientists can have their scholarly contributions to the Art and Science of horticulture recognized at the Congress by:
  • contributing a paper to the Congress, many of which will be linked to a Congress symposium;
  • presenting a poster to a Congress-wide audience;
  • participating in a symposium-liked poster discussion session;
  • publishing an abstract in the Program and Abstracts book and a full paper in a symposium-linked volume of Acta Horticulturae; and
  • participating in workshops.

     The overall aim is to provide participants with the best of all possible options — an array of focused and carefully organized symposia and poster sessions help within the shell of a World Congress, with all the associated opportunities for international networking and inter-disciplinary learning. More than 500 contributed papers will be selected for oral presentation within the 23 symposia. Those not selected for oral presentation by the symposium teams may be presented as posters “linked” to a symposium. All posters will be centrally displayed for the duration of the Congress and presented to a Congress-wide audience in a general poster session.

     Authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of original scholarship for review by the Scientific Task Force and by the conveners of the Congress symposia.

     All student posters will be eligible for poster awards. The student must be the first author and the presenting author of the poster and be registered as a student delegate at the IHC2002. Contributions should be submitted as early as possible — and not later than October 15, 2001. For more information, please visit www.ihc2002.org.