June 5, 2002
Industry News:
Communities in Bloom
Communities in Bloom
“Communities in Bloom” is a non-profit, volunteer driven organization that is dedicated to encouraging and fostering programs involving civic beautification, heritage preservation and environmental responsibility, explains Raymond Carrière, national chairman of Communities in Bloom.
The program, which operates in every province and territory in Canada, recognizes civic accomplishment in these areas through its annual Provincial and National Program. The friendly competition, which attracted more than 300 community participants last year, also sees winning communities moving on to compete in an International Challenge. The judges, who are trained volunteer professionals, consider the contributions and involvement of the entire community, including municipal, corporate and institutional sectors as well as the efforts of individual citizens with regard to projects that focus on enhancements to urban forestry, landscaping and horticulture, floral arrangements, environmental efforts and heritage preservation.
According to Ted Blowes, (a former Mayor of Stratford), national vice chairman of Communities in Bloom, and honorary chairman of the Walkerton Blooms Committee, the nation-wide competition and program has flourished in recent years as a result of increased awareness and participation at every level. He also acknowledged that the program has benefited greatly from the energy and enthusiasm of the volunteers and corporate sponsors across Canada.
For further information about corporate sponsorship of Communities in Bloom, contact Brian Burton at 905 271-7881.