June 10, 2020
In memoriam — John Paul Lamarche

John Paul Lamarche
Lamarche was well known in the North American horticultural industry since 1984; JPL Consulting was an Ontario-based estimating and consulting firm. He was recognizable by his trademark handlebar moustache, (till 2000), his crushing handshake and booming voice. JPL was a regular speaker at Landscape Ontario Congress, CNTA, and Ontario provincial chapters, as well as Canada Blooms.
JPL gave his first speech at Landscape Ontario Congress in 1985. From there, he gave seminars, workshops and offered private consulting to all sectors of the horticultural trades across North America. JPL successfully taught and entertained his audiences. He made an impact on people, companies and employees, revisiting his true-life experiences as an award-winning contractor in Ontario and Quebec. JPL believed in teaching with humour.
JPL never believed that growth was the only answer to business problems. He taught and mathematically proved that taking two steps back and gaining control was the common-sense approach to realistic growth. He believed that making a penny more per sales and/or production dollar was the proven method to profitability.
Since his first seminar, he presented thousands of seminars and workshops, in all horticultural sectors across North America. JPL was involved in the horticultural industry for over 40 years. First, as an entrepreneur, then as industry consultant, as well as professional speaker and author. As a business consultant, he helped thousands of companies with their estimating and productivity. He was also a marketing, training, and business consultant to the garden centre sector. He won numerous awards for his avant garde marketing. JPL also proudly served on the Garden Council of Canada.
Constantly in demand, JPL spoke at trade shows, conventions, and associations, teaching his philosophy across North America. He authored eight books to the industry, and five software programs. His books are available on Amazon. His software is used across North America, Australia, the UK and South Africa. In 2008, he retired from speaking and seminar/workshops, but continued to do private consulting in Ontario, until his passing.
A private memorial service was held June 12.
If you wish to view the service in memory of Jean Paul please visit www.roadhouseandrose.com.