September 10, 2024
Charlotte GuenaWith so many social media platforms out there, how is a busy landscape professional to decide which is the best one to use? It takes a lot of time and energy to post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok AND YouTube, so here are a few strategies to help you decide which one is best to reach your potential clients.

Platform demographics

  • Facebook: 3 billion monthly active users, of which 25 per cent are aged 45 and older.
  • YouTube: 2.5 billion users.
  • Instagram: 2 billion active users monthly and is the most popular platform for people aged 12 to 34.
  • TikTok: 1.5 billion global monthly users.
  • LinkedIn: 1 billion members worldwide.

Target audience

If you are a design/build company looking to attract clients, a seasoned professional looking to share environmental best practices, or a new entrant looking to expand your network, knowing who you are and who you want to connect with is a vital first step.
Decide on one or two priorities and always keep your target audience in mind when deciding on which platform to publish your posts.

Focus your energy

Start with just one platform. Gathering content and posting regularly takes a lot of time and energy. You already have a billion things to do, so be mindful of your resources and capabilities. This will help you maintain a sustainable workload while you gain a deeper understanding of how it works. You don’t want posting to become a burden.

Try, and try again

Make social media fun and play to your strengths or interests. Are you more comfortable writing or taking pictures? Or would you rather edit and share short 20-second videos of what your daily life looks like? If you or someone on your team has multimedia skills, you can elevate your brand through polished content, but always aim to be authentic.

Don't be afraid to try and fail. And don’t give up after trying an idea only a few times if it doesn’t work. Let go of a specific platform if necessary.  
screen capture of a social media feed on a phone
screen capture of a social media feed on a phone
screen capture of a social media feed on a phone
screen capture of a social media feed on a phone

Finding inspiration

Many professionals in the Landscape Ontario community are implementing different strategies with success. Check out these great examples on Instagram:
Jessica McGurn: @western_landscape
Heather Jerrard: @mylandscapeartist
The LandArt team: @landartco
Connon Nurseries: @connonnurseries

And follow these industry leaders on LinkedIn:
Mark Bradley (and the LMN team)
Rohan Harrison
Ed Hansen
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Charlotte Guena
LO Digital Marketing Specialist