February 2, 2022

Hamilton Alliance for Tiny Shelters seeks volunteers
The Hamilton Alliance for Tiny Shelters (HATS) is seeking volunteers to support a new project to support people experiencing homelessness.
The organization's aim "is to meet the immediate shelter and safety needs of people in Hamilton who are unhoused." To start, HATS hopes to erect 10-12 tiny cabins on the eight-acre former school property, which is hemmed in between Bay Street North, Hess Street North, York Boulevard and Cannon Street West. HATS uses a person-centred approach to identify and address individual needs with pre-existing wrap-around services, while also promoting an inclusive community.
HATS is currently looking for volunteers who can help:
HATS is currently looking for volunteers who can help:
- Build fencing and an entrance gate
- Provide materials, tools and support to create a community garden
- Provide pump sprayers to be used to apply fire retardant to cabin building materials
- The cabins measure 8′ x 10′ and can be designated with a ramp to be accessible
- They’re built to a high standard from top-quality, fire-proofed materials
- Each cabin is equipped with lighting, heat and a fire extinguisher
- A small bar fridge safely stores food
- A microwave is included to heat meals
- Portable bathrooms and showers will be included on site, as well an additional kitchen portacabin and a communal gathering space, brought in on trailers
Tom Cooper, Director, the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction