June 28, 2021

Hamilton-area stormwater reduction projects eligible for grants up to $2,500
Residents and business owners in Waterdown, Pleasant View, Hamilton, Brant Hill, Tyandaga, and Aldershot, Ont. can submit an application by July 31, 2021 to receive a grant for projects that reduce or eliminate stormwater run-off from flowing into the municipal sewer system and local creeks leading to the Hamilton Harbour. The project must be completed by Oct. 31, 2021.
Conservation Halton has established the Hamilton Harbour Water Conservation Fund that will cover up to 50 per cent of suitable water conservation projects up to $2,500.
There is limited funding available and it will be distributed based on the merit of the project, and on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Examples of eligible projects include: rose gardens, bioswales, infiltration trenches, soakaway pits, water retention/storage (rain barrel costs will only be considered as part of a larger conservation project), permeable pavement/concrete, pavers; projects that demonstrate the retention, infiltration or conservation of water.
If you are interested in participating in the program, contact stewardship@hrca.on.ca or call 905-336-1158 ext. 2285 for an application form.
Conservation Halton has established the Hamilton Harbour Water Conservation Fund that will cover up to 50 per cent of suitable water conservation projects up to $2,500.
There is limited funding available and it will be distributed based on the merit of the project, and on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Examples of eligible projects include: rose gardens, bioswales, infiltration trenches, soakaway pits, water retention/storage (rain barrel costs will only be considered as part of a larger conservation project), permeable pavement/concrete, pavers; projects that demonstrate the retention, infiltration or conservation of water.
If you are interested in participating in the program, contact stewardship@hrca.on.ca or call 905-336-1158 ext. 2285 for an application form.