Grow West Coast plans 2024 re-launch
The British Columbia Landscape Nursery Association (BCLNA) announced the Grow West Coast Horticulture Trade Show (GWC) will be reimagined for a 2024 re-launch. The annual trade show has been a cornerstone event of the association for 41 years. BCLNA is excited to bring new levels of inspiration and exceed the expectations of attendees and exhibitors next year.
GWC has evolved over the years, with different locations and formats to meet the needs of the industry. Most recently, GWC ran as a smaller, outdoor market-style event to comply with COVID-19 restrictions. Given that these restrictions are no longer in place, the opportunity to host a larger event is now an option. The association has a refreshed team of directors and staff who are eager to plan a show that will leave a lasting impression on all those who attend. Ross Anderson, BCLNA Chair, says, “Planning is already underway for a big and successful trade show in 2024.” Although there will not be a trade show in 2023, BCLNA is looking forward to seeing everyone at an event this year, to celebrate its 70th anniversary.
The BCLNA is committed to creating an event that will be worth the wait and will provide an exceptional experience for attendees and exhibitors alike. The association will keep everyone updated with further details as they become available.