August 15, 2010

Eric Price, left, and Bill Cross of Thornbusch Landscaping Company enjoyed the day at the Upper Canada Golf Tournament on July 16.
Golf tournament season in full swing
By Helen Hassard
Membership and Chapter Coordinator
I am fast approaching my three-month anniversary here at Landscape Ontario. It feels as if it’s been a year. Not because the time has dragged, but completely the opposite. So much has happened in the last three months and I have learned so much; I can see that this is an association that never sleeps (I mean that quite literally).
The corporate culture here at LO has been very welcoming. I feel as though I have found my place, not to mention picked up a few tips on gardening; and yes Allan, those plants you gave me are alive and well.
Anyway, on to a more exciting topic, golf tournaments. As I sit here writing this article prior to the start of LO’s summer sports season, I expect the tournaments will all be very successful and fun for all.
If the weather we’ve had lately is any indication, then bring sunscreen and lots of water. Just a reminder that the tournaments left to participate in after this article is published are Golden Horseshoe on Aug. 18, Georgian Lakelands on Aug. 26, Ottawa on Aug. 27, London on Sept. 10 and Windsor on Sept. 11.
If golf isn’t your style, then we have the Toronto baseball tournament on Aug. 15, Waterloo baseball tournament on Aug. 22, and the Argos vs. Tiger-Cats football game on Oct. 15.
In addition to the sporting events, Golden Horseshoe and Georgian Lakelands will each host chicken roasts, while the Toronto Chapter, in partnership with LO and the Toronto Botanical Garden, is hosting Artistry with Bulbs. All three take place on Sept. 16, so keep that date open to enjoy a full-day of exciting Chapter events.
The Chapters are also working diligently on finalizing dates, topics and speakers for regular monthly meetings. Stay tuned, as details will be posted as they become available at
I want to remind all of you that as an association we are all part of the same team, so if you see a topic or speaker that interests you at another Chapter’s meeting, feel free to attend and meet a new group of LO members.
Helen Hassard may be contacted at
Membership and Chapter Coordinator

The corporate culture here at LO has been very welcoming. I feel as though I have found my place, not to mention picked up a few tips on gardening; and yes Allan, those plants you gave me are alive and well.
Anyway, on to a more exciting topic, golf tournaments. As I sit here writing this article prior to the start of LO’s summer sports season, I expect the tournaments will all be very successful and fun for all.
If the weather we’ve had lately is any indication, then bring sunscreen and lots of water. Just a reminder that the tournaments left to participate in after this article is published are Golden Horseshoe on Aug. 18, Georgian Lakelands on Aug. 26, Ottawa on Aug. 27, London on Sept. 10 and Windsor on Sept. 11.
If golf isn’t your style, then we have the Toronto baseball tournament on Aug. 15, Waterloo baseball tournament on Aug. 22, and the Argos vs. Tiger-Cats football game on Oct. 15.
In addition to the sporting events, Golden Horseshoe and Georgian Lakelands will each host chicken roasts, while the Toronto Chapter, in partnership with LO and the Toronto Botanical Garden, is hosting Artistry with Bulbs. All three take place on Sept. 16, so keep that date open to enjoy a full-day of exciting Chapter events.
The Chapters are also working diligently on finalizing dates, topics and speakers for regular monthly meetings. Stay tuned, as details will be posted as they become available at
I want to remind all of you that as an association we are all part of the same team, so if you see a topic or speaker that interests you at another Chapter’s meeting, feel free to attend and meet a new group of LO members.
Helen Hassard may be contacted at