September 8, 2021
For many, it’s time to renew your membership

Thanks to your support, Landscape Ontario has been able to contribute so much back into this mutually-beneficial relationship we have with you. Collectively, you and your peers from across Ontario have supported Landscape Ontario in countless ways and because of that we have been able to do the strategic work to move the profession forward.
Every two weeks, the staff here at Landscape Ontario meet via Zoom and share the highlights of the work they are doing everyday to help move the industry forward. It astounds me every time at the volume and quality of work being done. From the amazing work that our workforce development team is doing, to the great events being planned (mostly virtual and gearing up for some in-person — let’s go Congress!), to the work being done to improve your membership experience, to all of the great communications to keep you in-the-know.
Now, more than ever, it’s important to keep this effort going, and to build upon the momentum we have to take our work to the next level. In order to continue to do this, we need your support. By now, you have likely seen your notice to renew your membership. Our phenomenal membership team (Meghan Greaves, Kaneisha De Leon and Kathy McLean) are standing by to help you through the process to renew your membership.
If you joined between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021, your time to renew will be on the first of the month, one year from the date you joined. We’re transitioning to an anniversary-based membership renewal from our fiscal year renewal.
We’re always looking for ways on how we can do things better and would love to hear from you. I can always be reached at or 905-220-4106.
Renew your membership today and let’s drive our community forward together!